Digital Account

For you to hire an apprentice and receive funding, you must set up an Apprentice Digital account service account.

By creating an apprenticeship service account, you can:

  • access and manage apprenticeship funding
  • set up and approve apprentices
  • advertise roles on the find an apprenticeship service
  • approve training costs
  • check payments to training providers
  • give training providers permission to carry out some tasks on your behalf
  • give feedback on apprenticeship training

Creating an account

Before you create an account, you will need:

  • an email address
  • permission to add PAYE schemes to the account
  • permission to accept the employer agreement on behalf of your organisation

You will also need either the Government Gateway login for your organisation, or your accounts office reference number and employer PAYE scheme reference number.

Create an account to manage apprenticeships – Manage apprentices (

If you do need help setting up this account the following You Tube video will walk you through the process.

Registering an account on the apprenticeship service – YouTube